About Me

I’m Natalia. And this blog is my flow zone. We all have one (or more) but sometimes it’s hard to discover yours. Finding that thing/activity that has that “I don’t know what” that takes over you until you completely lose track of time and want to dedicate to it exclusively, sometimes is the result of research trial and error, a risky decision or – as it happened in my case- it’s just the result of coincidence.

This thing of being a blogger crossed my path when I least expected and, although Colorclap was born very naively, it aroused my curiosity and develops through exploration, leading me to “see” with new eyes my day by day and letting me rediscover things that I once took for obvious.

So here I am, letting myself -or at least trying- go with the flow, giving life eternal through photos and words to those moments that are worth collecting.

China Palacio de Verano

Yo soy Natalia. Y este blog es mi actividad flow. Todos tenemos una (0 más) pero no siempre es fácil descubrirla. Encontrar esa cosa/actividad que tiene ese “no sé qué” que logra que perdamos completamente la noción del tiempo y a la que desearíamos dedicarnos con exclusividad, a veces es producto de la búsqueda, otras del ensayo y error, inclusive del tomar riesgos o –como pasó en mi caso- sencillamente producto de la casualidad.

Esto de ser blogger se atravesó en mi camino cuando menos lo esperaba y, aunque Colorclap nació muy ingenuamente, despertó mi curiosidad y se transformó con la exploración, llevándome a “ver” con otros ojos mi día a día y permitiéndome redescubrir cosas antes daba por obvias.

Así que aquí estoy, dejándome llevar  –o por lo menos intentándolo- por la vida e inmortalizando en palabras e imágenes esos momentos que valen la pena coleccionar.

China Palacio de Verano

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Celebration Style

The second wedding in my colortrip was absolutely gorgeous. It took place in an amazing and huge garden with a really relaxed and country style, I loved it.


Flowers Chic

I’ve been away from blog the last few days, time passes without me noticing and every time I’m gonna sit down to write, something new comes up on this #colortrip. However, today is my last day, so now I’ll take the chance to put everything back in order, and though I’m a little upset to have to go back to reality, I also feel grateful for this three weeks of pure and plain happiness.


Lacquer Strips: Gray Version

Well, wedding season started! I’m officially inside that time in life where everybody is getting married, and to prove it: I have four weddings in just six weeks. The first one was last Friday and was a little chaotic because I didn’t have much time to get my nails done. The church ceremony started at 3:00 pm but I had to work until 12:oo m, so basically I had to run to take a shower, fix my hair, put some makeup, get my dress on and, of course, doing something with my nails.


Braided Red Nails

It was time to try a new technique: the braided style! It Was easier than I though, but you need time and a lot of patience because it’s a work made of many coats. What is really important letting dry every color before applying a new one.


Caviar Nails

I had some doubts about caviar nails, in my mind it was a very complicated technique and the only time that I saw it on other person it didn’t look good, however, I was wrong.


Trendy 30th: Perinola Celis Jacket

For to the second “Trendy 30th” I decided to take inspiration from one of my favorite pieces of Perinola, its Celis jacket form “Luna en Ceylon” Collection. I absolutely love it, but I have to admit that replicating the design on my nails was a big challenge, because the jacket has many tones of purple in a pattern with a lot of detail.



I must confess, this design wasn’t planned at all, in fact, it was the result of trying to fix some squares that didn’t look as good as expected. In top of that, I had a Lunch at my boyfriend’s (that’s why you can see so few pictures of the final result) so basically, what you see is the outcome of an against-the-clock process. I present to you, my Squaries.



Well “if you can’t beat them, join them” and that’s exactly what I did, use the actual fever for the FIFA World Cup as an opportunity to make a new design (although I’m not exactly a soccer fan).


Keep It Simple

For me is really important to try doing designs that look gorgeous but that doesn’t mean that it has to be a difficult one, for that reason in this opportunity I use the best technique to keep it simple and beautiful: the french mani! The only secret is not being shy with colors, try anything that comes to your mind.


Ribbons on Purple

I fell in love whit this amazing purple polish from Urban Outfitters, it shines by itself, so my first decision was to paint my nails with it, however I couldn’t resist the temptation to put a little extra something to make them more vibrant; I know, I know… I have to learn to control my impulses, but you have to admit in this case it was the right choice.